In reflecting on all that Jesus taught, St. James realized that we must “be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves” (Jas 1:22). James knew that we have a tendency to remain complacent and inactive, telling ourselves in our heads that we are people of faith, but then not allowing Jesus’ call to love and service to have an impact on our lives. Yet Jesus says, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all” (Mk 9:35).

Every day provides an opportunity to serve others, often simply and quietly with little notice by the people around us. St. James tells us that if we do not take these opportunities and act on them, we delude ourselves into thinking we are Christians even while we fail to do as Jesus commands.

For some of us, being the “last of all and the servant of all” comes naturally and easily; for others, such living is a real challenge.

How is your life shaped by such humble service? In what ways do Jesus’ command and James’ wisdom provide direction, encouragement and challenge for you at this time in your life?

This article comes to you from Grace In Action (Our Sunday Visitor) courtesy of your parish or diocese.

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