Sacramental Readiness Guidelines
Please review the Diocesan Readiness Guidelines at the bottom of this page when considering preparing your child for a sacrament
Registration for these programs is on the same online form as Faith Formation, which can be found here:
Confirmation preparation follows 2 years of classes beginning at the 8th and 9th grade level with celebration in Spring of the 2nd year. The date of Confirmation is determined by the Bishop's office usually in February or March for an April or May date.
Catholic children should be growing in their faith through Catholic school* or Parish Faith Formation** program between grades 1-9, attending Mass regularly and serving as physically and mentally capable in parish life in order to participate in preparation for the sacraments. There are minimum grades/ages set for reception of the sacraments.
*Catholic Schools include the Diocesan Catholic Elementary Schools and Sienna Catholic Academy which are under the auscipes of the Diocese Superintendant. It also includes several Private Catholic Schools: Aquinas, Bishop Carney, McQuaid, Nativity Prep, Nazareth, Notre Dame, and Mercy.
**Parish Faith Formation Programs include a variety of models, weekly or bi weekly traditional classes, monthly whole community programs, summer intenvive and year round programs, as well as Home Study. Home Study referes to lessons done at home with the parents using materials provided by the parish.
Homeschooling - Students that are homeschooled in all subjects may choose to use parish provided materials or select materials that meet with the pastors approval.
Children should prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving First Eucharist.
They need to have been enrolled in one year of Catholic School or parish faith formation for a year before preparing for Reconciliation and should have reached the "Age of Reason" 7 years old, typically 2nd grade.
Children should continue to be enrolled in Catholic School or parish faith formation while preparing for the sacraments.
Children should have been enrolled in 2 years of Catholic school or Parish Faith Formation for 2 years prior to receiving Confirmation. This may begin in 8th grade at the earliest for a celebration of Confirmation at the end of 9th grade or beginning of 10th grade.(There is the assumption that children have been continuously in Catholic school or Parish Faith Formation from grades 1-7 prior to beginning the 2 years prior to Confirmation preparation.) >
Family Readiness:
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (formerly known as Penance or Confession) Readiness:
The Sacrament of Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion) Readiness:
The Sacrament of Confirmation Readiness:
Business phone: 585-538-2126
Fax: 585-625-0045
St. Martin de Porres at