Family Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, & First Eucharist
Family Faith Formation is a program that encourages and strengthens the partnership between the Parish community and parents (who are the primary educators of the faith in their family). The whole family gatherings are created with the goals of educating, encouraging conversation between family members, and deepening a connection between families and the Church community.
“In our continuing catechesis on the family, we reflect today on the connection between the family and the Christian community. The Church is the home of those who believe in Jesus Christ as the source of the unity of the entire human family. Christ chose to enter our history, to become part of a human family, and to form a community which welcomes all who wish to hear his good news of the Father’s love.” – Pope Francis
According to various studies, the Church is losing a large number of members annually. About 80% are leaving the faith before they reach college-age, but the average age for disaffiliation is 13.
Catholics often blame many of the Church's problems on poor catechesis. Although the quality level of various catechetical programs certainly varies from parish to parish, the reality is: Regular Mass attendance plus the typical weekly catechism class equals barely 1% of a person's life. That means that even during the school/faith formation season, 99% of a child's experience is outside of parish catechesis. One percent of a child’s life can’t overcome the other ninety-nine. The goal of Family Faith is to assist families in fully integrating faith practices into their lives so we can be as close to acknowledging, recognizing, and praising God 100% of our lives.
The Church’s expectation that parents act as catechists to their children might sound frightening or radical, but it is the reality that parents teach their children how to walk, talk, think, and behave just by being parents. Most lessons are "caught" more than they are "taught" because children learn from their parents simply by being around them. The same is true of living the faith! If parents skip Mass anytime it is inconvenient, that is the lesson their children will learn about the importance of Mass. If parents pray before meals, that is the life of prayer the children will learn. If parents spend time in Scripture and say a daily rosary, that is what the faith will look like to their children.
The focus is on giving parents tools to help them succeed at being the religious educators that they already are. For most families, high-level theological training is not as important as faithful practices, and Family Faith Formation can help with both. No single parish program or activity can meet the particular needs of all families. The goal of our Family Faith Formation is to offer as many opportunities for education and spiritual growth as possible.
Families are expected to attend one of the Family Faith gatherings every month October-May (offered at each site), attend weekend Mass regularly, and choose three other educational or spiritual experiences each month. Every family will receive the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies to assist in reflecting on the weekly readings and provide at-home catechesis. Families can choose any combination of in-person or at home experiences from a monthly playlist for the three activities outside of the monthly gathering. It’s kind of like a choose your own adventure Faith Formation!
Click here for a downloadable schedule of all the monthly classes
After our inaugural year last year, what were your favorite activities that you would like to do again? Do you have an idea for a new prayer or learning experience for Families or adults?
Fill out this Google form to submit your idea! You can submit it with your name or anonymously
Teens are encouraged to participate in our Youth Ministry which includes a variety of activities to help form them as mature disciples in the faith. Programs are designed to be mindful of the particular needs and gifts of adolesccents and cover the many components of formation:
There are local, diocesan and national opportunities and some activities are targeted for Senior High and others are open to Middle School.
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, & Confirmation: Please click here to go to the Sacrament webpage.
For more information on preparing to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion contact our Faith Formation Coordinator, Jen Hughes. For Confirmation, contact Youth Ministry, Sean & Kate Esposito.
Preparation sessions are in addition to participation in parish Faith Formation programs and/or enrollment in a Diocesan Catholic school.
For teens or adults receiving these sacraments for the first time see info about RCIA and contact Fr. John Hayes.
For Baptismal preparation contact Deacon Matt Dudek.
For Marriage preparation contact Fr John Hayes.
Click here for Diocesan Guidelines for Sacramental Preparation.
Our parishes offer a variety of ongoing learning opportunities for adults. We have Bible Studies, book clubs, prayer groups and Lenten retreats. See the calendar for schedules and the Ministries page for more information.
Busted - Young adult friendly blogs, podcasts and videos - Make holy all the things! - Catholic answers - Dive into the beauty of the Faith - Religious blog
Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Ignite your faith series
In an effort to help you support and nourish your families at the domestic church in your home, we have been providing materials, activities, and explanations of important feast days for you to take home. We ask you to take these materials and make time to bless your homes and families by unlocking the supernatural mysteries these holy days possess.
Click here for access to the feast day handouts.
Business phone: 585-538-2126
Fax: 585-625-0045
St. Martin de Porres at