Summer Program Edition
This weekend, I have given over the usual Dear Friends column I write to Fr. Ted. We haven’t heard from him in a while and he graciously agreed to write something for us. I think you will enjoy it. And let me just say at this point; Bonaparte does not have fleas! (you’ll understand when you read this week’s Dear Friends.)
As much as our parish has been quiet, it does not mean that we have not been looking for ways to reach out to parishioners and our communities in general, so this e-mail is being sent out to all of you with some ideas and suggestions of maintaining an active faith and the possibility of participating with others since our faith is very socially based.
I would like to thank all those who offered ways of keeping our faith very much alive in a very trying time. I sincerely hope that any or all of these suggestions are helpful to you in this time of self-sheltering.
God bless, Fr. John
Don't forget to visit our YouTube Channel to watch the live stream of 10 am Mass every Sunday. Links are available on Facebook or the home page of our website.
This month, we will gather virtually to say the Rosary together, Please bring your prayer intentions and a spirit of faith, hope, and charity as we gather and pray in this new way!
St. Martin de Porres Parish is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: First Friday Faith Gathering
Time: May 1, 2020, 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 997 4698 2407
Password: 090323
As an additional security enhancement and to protect the privacy of our group, please do not share the meeting ID and password with anyone outside your family, or our SMdP family. If you know of someone interested in attending, they can email the parish office or Laura Kuhn at
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e-mail notifications when new bulletins become available from St. Martin de Porres Parish. Or if you don't have access, let us know and we will mail a bulletin to you.
St. Martin de Porres Parish is hosting a
Red Cross Blood Drive
Where: St. Mary’s Hartmann Hall
99 Main St., Scottsville
When: Friday May 15, 2020
Time: 2pm – 7pm
Please consider donating,
there is a critical need.
Go online to to reserve
your time now for May 15th.
Business phone: 585-538-2126
Fax: 585-625-0045
St. Martin de Porres at